Meet Steve Rosacker, Your PSSR in Lake County, IL
If your business is located in Lake County, then Steve is your new Product Support Sales Representative at McCann. His primary job is to get you the parts and service you need, as fast as possible, if a machine goes down. He works with a team of certified technicians and has access to a huge parts inventory. As your business partner, he’s ready to help you boost your productivity and maximize your uptime.
What is a PSSR?
Our PSSRs are your ticket to access the huge amount of information and resources available at McCann. If you ever have questions about parts, service, or extended warranty purchases, they have the knowledge and experience you can trust to help you get the job done. Think of them as your point person at our company.
Steve’s experience
Steve has spent the majority of his career in the automotive industry and has experience with both parts and service departments.
“As a sales manager I was in customer shops every day. I’ve worked with a lot of different parts and service departments, and I understand the urgency of getting the right components at the right time, so service can be completed as quickly as possible. I’m looking forward to bringing that experience to the equipment industry and working closely with McCann’s customers. My focus is the parts and service you need to be successful.”
Excited to work at McCann
“My favorite part about working at McCann so far is the people. Everyone is willing to help and there’s really a team atmosphere. I’ve had an interest in heavy equipment since I was a kid, and I’m loving the opportunity to learn all about the lines McCann offers and get in the machines and play around with them. I’m from Addison and currently live in Algonquin, IL. I’m looking forward to serving the community that I live in and grew up in.”