SK140SRD Car Demo - Kobelco Excavators

Product Overview

Sure, you could dismantle 4-5 cars apart by hand. Or, you could process 70 cars per day with the raw power and delicate precision of the Kobelco SK140SRD Multi-Dismantling machine. Built from the ground up to tear cars apart – not just fitted with an aftermarket add-on kit. With the strongest nibbler tool in the industry, the Kobelco SK140SRD Car Demo can pick apart a car with pinpoint precision in mere minutes.
Compare Models
Model | Operating Weight | Max Reach |
SK140SRD Car Demo | 45,000 lbs (20,400 kg) | 29' 9" (9,080 mm) |
SK210D Car Demo | 66,100 lbs (30,000 kg) | 36' 4" (11,070 mm) |
SK350DLC Building Demo | 95,100 lbs (43,100 kg) | 68' 11" (21,000 mm) |
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