Dust Collection System - Minnich Drills and Tools

Product Overview

Canister-style dust collection system utilizes a Venturi suction unit to remove dust in the air while drilling. This Dust Collection System can be retrofitted to any existing dowel drill unit regardless of make or model. Comes with drill rod guide collection boots, a 5-gal. pail-type hopper and up to 20 ft. of vacuum hose per drill. Each canister accommodates up to two rock drills and offers a 60 sq. meter filter area. Require 40 (hydraulic drill) to 50 scfm (air drill) and 60 to 110 psi.
Compare Models
Barrier Wall | A-3V-SD |
Dust Collection | Dust Collection System |
Machine Mounted | A-1Q Deep Hole Drill |
Machine Mounted | A-2V |
Machine Mounted | A-3/A-6 |
On-Grade | A-1-Series |
On-Grade | A-1-Utility |
On-Slab | A-1C/A-2C |
On-Slab | A-2SC/A-3SC/A-4SC/A-5SC |
On-Slab | A-3SCW/A-4SCW/A-5SCW |
Utility | The Hornet™ |
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